Sunday, January 22, 2012

Shopping follies

If you;re not a big football fan, there's something weirdly illuminating about grocery shopping on Sunday. First of all I don't need to watch any games on TV to find out how they're going. It's a big year for the Patriots, so so updates are everywhere.

But back to grocery shopping. There were a lot of men and couples out anxiously looking for gametime snacks. It was not a day to be loitering in the nuts, chips or salsa area.


susan said...

I was surprised to discover a lot of Haligonians are Red Sox fans. It may be true they like the Patriots as well but I tend to avoid the market on Sundays.

Ben said...

The Red Sox made a lot of new fans when they won the World Series and became a fully competitive ball club. I guess a lot of Haligonians got caught up in the excitement.

Haligonian. That's such a wonderful word.