Thursday, June 18, 2015

Jonson time

Lady T: You are sharp, sir.
This act may make him honest.
Man: If he were
To be made honest by an act of Parliament,
I should not alter in my faith of him.

From The Devil Is an Ass. Sadly overlooked passive aggressive wit.


susan said...

That was a treat. I hadn't thought of Ben Jonson in a very long time and now I've been off reading him. This is another good one: Opinion is a light, vain, crude, and imperfect thing.

Ben said...

The fact that he was writing at the same time as Shakespeare seems to have hemmed in his posthumous reputation. They classify him as "not as good" when the truth is he was working in a slightly different mode to begin with. Haven't had a chance to see one of his plays performed, but I know he's produced some good lines.