Tuesday, February 21, 2023

A lot of interviews this afternoon

A look at some possibilities for the future:

Kamala Harris: Chosen as running mate because Biden promised John Lewis to pick an Af-Am woman and she was a US Senator. Was only a Senator because she'd been the better funded Democrat and Republicans are locked out of statewide office in California. Has not covered herself in glory as VP.

Pete Buttigieg: Appropriately enough, an illustration of the Peter Principle in action. Former mayor of a fourth-tier city. Now Transportation Secretary as the transportation infrastructure is on fire. Oblivious or worse.

Gavin Newsom: Has succeeded in making California a state to flee from. Would make a good Dragnet villain.

Bernie Sanders: We've seen how this movie ends. Twice.

Elizabeth Warren: 2020 was her year to shine. Oh well.

Amy Klobuchar: Did about as well as Warren in 2020 while somehow getting better press. Impossible to imagine her running without approval from higher-ups, which she will not get.

So it looks like Joseph Robinette Biden will be the nominee again, despite the fact that a stiff breeze could knock him over. Whether the GOP is capable of producing a stiff breeze is another question.


susan said...

That was an excellent breakdown of the hopeless group of potential Democratic presidential candidates for next time around. You can't help but wonder why aren't (weren't) they better prepared when we all know this happens every four years. It's a puzzle unless nobody in their right mind wants the job at this stage.. which goes far to explain Biden.

The Republicans might provide the stiff breeze required. Goodness knows Trump is still very popular, maybe not quite so much as in 2020, but he's undeniably sharp. DiSantis could provide the gust but I think he's better off as governor of Florida for now. The two of them as rivals could wreck the GOP chances - especially considering the bias of the msm.

Jer read me this article from 2018 about the time Ray Bradbury warned about censorship when he talked about Farenheit 451. He made some excellent points.

Ben said...

There's a Dunning Kruger aspect, I think. The people at the top have all the power in choosing the nominee, designing and streamlining the system so that only those they approve of can make any headway. But they don't know what voters will find appealing. And I do think fewer people want the job than used to. Both the idealistic and cynical reasons for pursuing the job have disappeared.

Trump seems to be spooked by DeSantis, resulting in his taking a lot of shots at him that don't land. Tentatively I'd prefer DeSantis, depending on what he has to say about foreign policy. Either would be an improvement. But what we need, more than a person or party winning, is a less venomous atmosphere.


That's a very good story about Ray Bradbury. Most people think Fahrenheit 451 is about censorship by force. Yet Bradbury knew--and kept finding out--that there are subtler ways.