Monday, May 25, 2020

The buzz

Okay, so I know how to get bees out of my apartment. Well, slow bees that don't really fly at least.

I moved something or other and there it was, crawling on the floor. I didn't know exactly what it was at first, beyond being in the general bug category, so it kind of freaked me out. My first instinct was to hit it with a shoe, but it's a little faster than that. A few minutes later it resurfaced in my vision, still crawling on the floor. This time I just pressed a plastic food container over it and dragged it out into the stairwell. From there, I do not know where it went. Into someone else's blog post, perhaps.


susan said...

That's usually the best way of ridding your place of a creature that belongs outside wherever you are and into someone else's blog post. We do that too the odd time something gets past the screens.

I don't know if you'll remember Bartlett Ave. and this particular event. It was getting cold and we'd just moved our bed into the middle front room. At the same time Steven and Stephen lit up their new kerosene space heater in the room directly below ours and woke up a nest of wasps that must have settled down for the winter between the two floors. When we noticed a dozen or so of those nasty insects crawling around next to the bed it was shoe time.

Ben said...

Yeah, I remember back at my old apartment I used to get moths flying in through the window. Once I captured them I freed them outside. Near a street lamp if I had time to get to one.

I feel for you on the wasp invasion. It's not something I could get a good night's sleep knowing about, nor is it something I'd want to wake up to. How did you make sure they were gone permanently, with no reserves beneath the floorboards?