Sunday, May 31, 2020

All yellow

Out walking today I came across these little stones planted in a sidewalk garden, reading "Dog pee kills plants." To which my reaction was, "Wait, what?" Actually, there does seem to be some truth to it. And since this garden had some showcase flowers and shrubs, yes, you'd probably want to direct the pooches somewhere else. But it's a huge generalizations. Wolves are basically standoffish dogs still in need of a glass of wine, so if it were invariably fatal the world would have been devoid of life before we as a race were walking upright.


susan said...

Yeah, there are bears in the woods too. One time when we lived on Bartlett Ave. Garth peed on a big tree that was near but not on a man's property. Surprised that he was shouting at us I kept walking, an act apparently so irritating to him he actually got in his car and drove alongside us to continue berating me about the temerity of allowing my dog to urinate on a tree. I finally stopped and told him it was a natural thing for a dog to do and, no, I wasn't coming back to wash the tree. He drove away still grumbling.

You asked before about what happened after the crawling wasps. It was still early enough in the evening to tell Steven and Stephen and they moved the kerosene heater. No more creatures appeared.

Ben said...

I think I might have actually been with you on the occasion you describe. At the very least it brings back some kind of memory for me. Yeah, being concerned about what happens on your lawn is one thing. Patrolling the neighborhood for improper dog urine is another. Something tells me that if you had been walking a bear that guy would have had much less to say on the subject.

Ah, it's a good thing Steven and Stephen were still up and could and would move the heater. If it had happened to me I still probably would have had to knock down a brandy or something before I could sleep.