Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A strain of the earth’s sweet being in the beginning

Took a walk today. First part of it was the "getting there" part, walking through one of the business districts on the East side and the residential bits on either side. My destination: a park at the city limits. Then I did some more walking there. That way even if I take a bus back home I've been circulating.

It's spring. That means it's getting warmer. I don't mind/sometimes like cool weather, so that's not a big deal for me. Trees have more leaves out, and you can see different kinds of flowers. That's certainly nice. But also there's a new smell in the air. Well, more than one. All sorts of plant life coming back.

And again, I thank my lucky stars that my allergies aren't bad at all this year so I can enjoy it.


susan said...

It's always nice to go out walking and even more pleasant when the weather warms up. Yes, it's spring with all the delightful scents and sights that go with this wonderful time of year.

As far as allergy season is concerned it was just a couple of weeks ago I learned just why asthma and allergies have become so endemic over the years. It's - wait for this ------ male trees and bushes. I know it sounds crazy but the basic story was that around 1949 arborists suggested that male trees weren't messy like female trees that made nuts and fruit. Mostly that didn't make a difference in cities because they were largely planted with huge old elm trees. Then Dutch elm disease struck in the 70s and killed most of them. In the following years cities began planting new trees - most of them male and all of them producing large amounts of pollen. You can read about it here. No help necessarily but good to know.

Anyhow, on to something very entertaining Jer asked me to send along - an old favorite movie on youtube: The Leningrad Cowboys Go America. I think you'll like it.

Ben said...

These little jaunts through the city's natural landscape are something I've gotten to appreciate more. Yes, the summer should be nice, provided there's not too much heat/humidity and things loosen up.

That's an interesting story about the trees. It would be nice if a few more of these cities learned from their mistakes and planted a few more female trees to balance things out. I mean, it's never too late to do the right thing.

Leningrad Cowboys Go America was a delight to watch. I loved how there were a couple of guys just chilling in the open trunk of the Cadillac, just sitting in a couple of armchairs put there for the purpose. And its kind of weird how their manager was played by a Finnish guy but looked like Gary Oldman would look in another 10-15 years.