Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Bird day

I'd be lying if I said that I was highlighting this video for any reason other than the joy of watching crows play at being Tarzan in a backyard. It needs no further justification.

I guess I'm in an avian mood, though. Yesterday I walked down to the waterfront until I saw ducks, gulls, and yes, Virginia, a swan. You can get pretty close to ducks, as they don't fly off just because a person is coming near. I'm sure they have some system for detecting especially hinky people. It's also quite fun to watch them talk.


susan said...

That's a pretty amazing little video. We've watched enough of them hanging out with each other but we've never seen crows deliberately having such a great time really using something as a swing or anything like. The first two were great but when three more showed up things got even wackier.

Here's some good news about recent improvements in the lives of flying creatures of another kind.

Ben said...

Yeah, you can tell that the last three were thinking something like "Hey! That looks like fun!" Which it is. There's a reason why I always like hearing that distinctive caw in the air, whether I can see them or not.

Thank you for hipping me to the Suffolk Gazette. Somehow I had never heard of this paper before, but it's quite informative. Especially the crime reports.