Sunday, May 17, 2020

All manner of forest creatures

AVAR from Feiner Janka on Vimeo.

A fetching bit of animation from the deep woods.Well, somewhere in the woods. And I'm sure filming with an actual fire would have posed issues on many levels, so I'm glad the animators found workable stop-motion substitute. Colorful, too!


susan said...

You're right about this one being especially charming. The combination of natural elements with the cleverly made creatures is wonderful - as is the fire (the reflected firelight on a couple of characters was ingenious). I slso applaud his choice of music.

Isn't it weird how pipe cleaners still have their place in the world whereas hardly anybody smokes a pipe anymore?

Ben said...

Stop-motion animation is a marvel of patience to begin with. The reflected firelight, as you point out, is an inspired touch on top of it. I loved the music too, especially in this context.

Well I think that pipe cleaners have become an accepted medium for arts and crafts and are manufactured with that in mind. Some people do still smoke pipes, but not enough to have them made in that number.