Friday, May 29, 2020

So far

It's been a weird year. Well, yes, there's that of course. In the main I'm talking about the weather here. March was March. April, for all intents and purposes, was also March, in that winter still had a grip through most of it. May's mostly been like people expect April to be, mildly cool with some rain. But it feels like June is going to be June, if we're lucky. Otherwise the dog days of summer might get an early jump.


susan said...

The springtime weather you describe sounds very similar to what we've experienced here these past few months. When the days have been nice they've been as fine as could be but only once or twice have we been able to go out jacketless. In fact today it was 55° feels like 44° with strong winds and rain. While we haven't been here long enough to know what's normal this spring may not be that.

Ah well, we had a nice summer last year and here's a bit of proof - a video of a mother peacocok taking her chicks for an outing as we were returning to the car park at Beacon Hill. Neese had her smartphone camera ready and told us just a few days ago how to find the movie. Just so you don't worry at the end Jer shooed them back up the path and away from the cars.

Ben said...

Something that feels like 44° actually seems pretty nice to me. Weather that's coolish but not actually cold is good for sleeping, at any rate. Weather that's actually cold might be a different story. It varies. I wouldn't necessarily look forward to the rain, though.

Peacock chicks are pretty dang cute. They move kind of like chickens. I don't know how closely related the two kinds of bird are. Peahens also have a little bit of the famous peacock blue on the neck and head. Although their overall "drab" brown/grey coloring is good for camouflage in dry, grassy landscapes. Which might not help them with cars, so it's a good thing Jerry was there to steer them away.