Thursday, September 12, 2019

I'm the wind, baby

The Carileon, by Sebastien Leon // Performed by Loup Barrow and the wind from Studio Sebastien Leon on Vimeo.

A percussionist is rather spoiled for choice in terms of things to strike. Nice problem to have. In addition there are sounds being made by the wind. It's kind of soothing.


susan said...

That's a nice example of a carillon. I remember one funny story I read about a senior citizen compound in Florida that banned windchimes because the cacophany caused by everybody having them made sleep difficult.

Have you ever come across one of the videos of this one on the English Downs?

Ben said...

Hee hee. I like windchimes. Of course when you have so many people living together some things may become problematic when they'd be find otherwise. Probably had thin walls too.

That was a neat video of the Singing Ringing Tree. Sort of an Aeolian harp concept. It's a little eerie hearing it and seeing those clouds speed by.