Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Teeming Eyes

I have to say, the animator (Joanna Priestley) has found an interesting balance between the weird, the comical, and the causing of inexplicable physical discomfort. This looks a little fifties-ish, but distinctly eerie and new.


susan said...

I could be wrong but the imagery seems to indicate her reaction to some of the more harsh elements of modern culture. There are certainly some tears and grimaces going on among the petri dish growth bits. The music accompaniment was very well matched to the visual elements. The colors and forms she used are hauntingly understated.

Ben said...

Yeah, both the basic and stylized nature of the faces and the way everything is detached from everything else give it a look of a child's perspective. On the other hand the motions are very fluid and the color scheme is more subdued, very much something an adult would pick out. There's no narrative as such but you can see a through-line on an emotional level.