Sunday, January 28, 2018

Song at night

This song has been playing in my head for the past couple of days. I'm not a parent, and I haven't done a real deep research dive to find out if the writers of the song (Eric Stewart and Graham Gouldman) were at the time, but it feels right. There's a mixture of affection and exasperation, two strings that can't be disentangled.

I'm guessing the Sandman that's gonna get you is different from the one Metallica sang about, but I could be wrong.


susan said...

10cc was a great band and How Dare You was a wonderful album. Art for Art's Sake is one I've had stick in my mind every so often, but Rock 'n Roll Lullaby is a very realistic little memory of parenting. You were pretty young yourself when we first got that album.

btw: I'm pretty sure they weren't referring to Metallica's sandman.

Ben said...

How Dare You was a high point of some kind. I think I've always loved 10cc, although there may have been some time when that went into the subconscious.

You actually do have firsthand experience with parenting, of course. And you approached it with wisdom and love. I'd say.