Monday, October 30, 2017

...und drang

You may or may not have heard, but Rhode Island got hit with quite a storm on Sunday night. While it didn't have a name, I can attest that it at least felt more intense than some of the hurricanes we've been touched by. (Up here, that is, not in the areas further south where they first landed.) You can trust me on this as someone who was taking out the trash while some of the less full containers were flying into the street.

Some people lost power for a few minutes. Some for longer. There were stores in the suburbs that never opened today because they were still off the grid. School was canceled everywhere.

Also, it seemed today like there was a greater number of fire engines out. I'm guessing that had to do with the power outages. I mean, October 30 is Devil's Night, but that doesn't start until sundown.


susan said...

Yes, we were paying attention to what was going on there as well as here. The same system came barreling through here yesterday. In between blasts of rain and wind we decided to go for a walk - made it about two blocks before we nearly got bowled over by the next stage of the tempest. The trip home was fast with the wind at our backs. The power stayed on, though, as it always does when there's bad weather. It's only on normal, nothing much happening days it can go out for no apparent reason.

Hmm.. You're right, it was Devil's Night. I'd forgotten about that.

Ben said...

I appreciate your paying attention to the weather here as well. I imagine you weren't real eager to stay out, so it was just as well the wind was driving you back. You can't rely on umbrellas when the wind is so high, and in fact they're liable to get destroyed the longer you keep them open. Power in the outer areas stayed off for several days. Narragansett was just restored on Thursday, I think. But I'm like you. The last time I can remember a blackout that affected me it was just an ordinary night. Wild, because I could tell before I got home something was up just by there being no street lights or anything.

Think I learned about Devil's Night from The Crow. Doubt it's that dramatic in real life.