Wednesday, December 6, 2023

That time of year

The weather widget on my laptop says that it's 24 F. I believe it. During the day it was somewhat blustery, somewhere in the 30s. So while we're still a couple of weeks away from the equinox, winter has in fact arrived. And that's good. A couple of months hopping from cave to cave, trying to keep warm, has a way of focusing the mind.

Saw a few snowflakes falling in the late morning, but nothing accumulated.


susan said...

Yeah, it sounds as though winter has arrived there. It has here too but as you know the weather is considerably more mild - 24°F would be major news but 30s will happen.. eventually and only for a little while. The most problematic part for us is one we're already experiencing - clouds and overcast days go on and on and on..

Stay cozy.

and remember something Auberon Waugh once said: “There is an old story about the boy at Eton who committed suicide. The other boys in his house were gathered together and asked if any of them could suggest a reason for the tragedy. After a long silence a small boy in the front put up his hand: 'Could it have been the food, sir?”

Ben said...

We can get a fairly wide range of temperatures here, some days getting close to 60. But temps in the 20s aren't unusual at all. They're hitting again tonight. On the other hand I don't think we'd see the level of cloudiness you're talking about other than on days when it's actually raining. Funny how just a little apart on the globe can make such a difference.

Good advice about staying cozy. You as well.

Funny story from Evelyn Waugh's son. Kind of reminds me of the Frank Zappa lyric, "Lord have mercy on the people in England/For the terrible food these people must eat."