Sunday, December 24, 2023

...and in conclusion


How did A Charlie Brown Christmas get to be a beloved classic, shown every year for decades? The response quite likely surprised the producers, who made it quick and cheap. Still, it deserves every bit of success it's gotten. In the end it's faithful to the spirits of both Christmas and Charles Schulz. And Vince Guaraldi serves both with aplomb.


susan said...

Truth has its own way of shining through no matter the medium. A Charlie Brown Christmas was inspired.

Recently I happened across this arrangement of Rhapsody in Blue from the movie The Gershwin Story. Even without the rest of the film the music alone says all that needs to be said.

Ben said...

"Inspired" is a good word. Schulz and his collaborators had really caught an important truth.

Something I didn't know or had forgotten was that George Gershwin was only 39 when he died. So this movie was released in the shadow of a life and career that should have still been ongoing. It is a great performance.