Wednesday, July 8, 2020


I was feeling a little sluggish today so I put on this record figuring it might pick me up. It worked. Like really worked. And I couldn't tell you exactly why.

That's an upside of not being a musician. I could analyze lyrics, I suppose. I know really basic stuff like, "It's not a chord unless there's more than one note playing at the same time." But why some songs have certain effects? It's a mystery. A miraculous mystery.

And a good thing, too. I can only ingest so much sugar and caffeine, so they can use all the help they can get.


susan said...

I can see why that song cheered you up. I'm no musician either - have a hard time keeping up a simple drumming rhythm for that matter, never mind playing anything. Still, there are any number of songs that make me smile inside and outside. Ian Dury and the Blockheads doing Reasons to be Cheerful is one of them. It's just too bad this official version is so fuzzy but it's very cool to watch him perform.

Sugar and caffeine have their place in moderation.

Ben said...

Years ago, when I was working as a dishwasher at RIH, I was finishing a pretty brutal shift. One of the custodial staff had "Reasons to be Cheerful" playing on his ghetto blaster, bopping around to it as he worked. He asked me if I knew who it was and seemed surprised that I knew. We were both pretty happy about it, though.

Oh yes, sugar and caffeine are two things I wouldn't want to do without entirely. Moderation indeed.