Saturday, July 18, 2020

Men, women, children, dogs

I was invited to a friend's house for dinner this weekend and wound up going earlier tonight. It was mostly quite nice, partly because I was seeing people I hadn't seen in months. Plus a relative (his, not mine) whom I'd never met before.

Met the dogs again too. Actually this time there were three, another guest having brought his Shepherd/something else mix. They were fun. It's hard to believe that, after a bite experience, I went through several years of being afraid of dogs. Except for ours, of course.


susan said...

I'm sure it was good for all concerned getting to spend some time in person again. Friends (and good dogs) are a big part of what makes the world go around. I hope there will be many more happy times ahead.

Ben said...

To be fair, cats have something to do with making the world go around too, although my hosts aren't really cat people. And I think there will be good times ahead. We're just somewhere in the middle of a bad patch.