Thursday, July 2, 2020

Something green

My daily walk took me a little further today. To Dorrance Street, just short of Eddy. I was walking by the river as I like to do, and just crossed the street at a different point, so that Dorrance was a natural place to go.

And I kept on that track because I could see a park. When I say "park" it's a very small space, about a block. But it had a good selection of trees, open and attractive in the sunlight. It was a place I hadn't even really noticed until I had more time. The world presents us with beauty, even if it sometimes seems to be in spite of itself.


susan said...

Seeing our surroundings at walking pace is really the best way to understand just how beautiful the world is, even those places we'd normally overlook. I'm glad you found the little park you did and I hope the walk back home wasn't too long.

We walk most every day and sometimes spend hours outdoors looking for new sights or seeing old places in new ways. This is a very pretty city to walk in but every place has its good points.

Ben said...

This is why texting and driving are such a natural combination. They're bad enough by themselves. Cell phones just flatten the physical world into sameness the way cars were already doing.

You make a great case for Victoria as a beautiful environment. I think you can tell on an instinctual level if the place you live is working for you.