Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Aside from that, though...

You have no idea how little interest I had in the guests on Jerry Springer today. From what I could hear they started off with a woman who wanted to have her first lesbian experience with a particular stripper, which, dare to dream. Afterwards was some judge show which seemed even worse, but by that time I was nearly ready to leave the laundromat.

Luckily I had the foresight to bring a book along. A Sherlock Holmes omnibus to be specific. I decided to revisit "The Adventure of the Empty House", the story in which Watson learns to his elation that Holmes is not actually dead, even though Arthur Conan Doyle had fully intended him to be. There's a brief passage I love so much I just have to share it.
"Because I recognized their sentinel when I glanced out of my window. He is a harmless enough fellow, Parker by name, a garroter by trade, and a remarkable performer upon the jew's-harp..."
That is just classic Holmes. Not only is the guy who strangles people for a living an afterthought, not only does Holmes describe him as "harmless", but to the extent he's acknowledged at all it's to compliment his musical talent. How can you not laugh?


sink dish washing said...
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susan said...

I can't tell you how relieved I was to see that last line in your first paragraph. The people we feel the sorriest for these days are the ones watching television and it's a moot point whether the worst is Jerry Springer (he's still on tv?), the judge or the news. Years ago I remember hearing about a little electronic device one could use to turn off a tv set anywhere. Boy, would that be wonderful to have now.

It's good you had Sherlock Holmes as a diversion. Doyle's Holmes made many pithy remarks, but you're correct in choosing this as one of his best and funniest.

Ben said...

See, sometimes I like to hook the reader with a little bit of suspense at the beginning. And it seems like it worked. :) The reason I found the judge show - didn't take in the name - more offensive was that the intro said that it was about an accusation of child abuse. This should be in a real court, not one televised for entertainment. Judge Judy can kvetch at small claimants from now until doomsday and I won't mind. But yes, it would be nice if more people remembered that those little devices exist.

The Holmes collection has been a joy to fall back into. And it could potentially provide one with a lot of choice quotes.