Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Today a friend asked me where I went to kindergarten, because he's the kind of person who'll ask that. I told him that I had a hard time remembering. I knew I went to a Waldorf school, but wasn't sure if that were for kindergarten, first grade, or some combination thereof. And really it seems kind of weird to me that I went at all. It seems like part of a different life story from mine. Although the four temperaments stuff is the kind of thing I eat up.


susan said...

If the question arises again the answer is you did go to kindergarten in Vancouver at a French immersion school. You did fine but becoming fluent would have taken more time. Then you spent the first grade the Waldorf School in No. Vancouver with Miss Mikalski as your teacher. I have the class picture. I'm sure you remember where you were by the second grade and the following years - that experience certainly goes far to explain how different your life became so I'm not surprised your memory is vague. Come to think of it I know I went to nursery school in England but have no memories at all.

btw: At the Waldorf you were noted to be largely of phlegmatic temperament.

Ben said...

As I said before, when you mention French kindergarten I remember that it happened and was something I told people about, but pretty much no details. Obviously I wasn't in the system long enough to become fluent in French. Maybe it helped me in knowing how to pronounce things in other languages, though.

I've seen this Beatles breakdown in a couple of places:
Choleric = John
Sanguine = Paul
Melancholic = George
Phlegmatic = Ringo

So temperamentally I'm closest to Ringo? I'll take it.