Friday, April 3, 2020


The next few weeks look to be a prime time for getting some combination of bored and anxious. Luckily there are still a few constants we can fall back on. Vintage Gahan Wilson is one of those good things in life.

The lesson here? I guess, if you get a chance to get out on the high seas, look for adventures rather than inconveniences.


susan said...

At least there's the internet for a bit of respite from boredom - that and a brisk walk outside now and then (if that's still allowed and I hope it is). The anxiety is harder to deal with since this open ended shutdown and forced separation is unnatural. May it end sooner than later.

That's a great Gahan Wilson cartoon. The other day I found some vintage Steve Martin as The Great Flydini.

Ben said...

The internet seems to have gotten more homogeneous in the last decade or so, but there's still some good stuff to be found. A brisk walk is good for the soul, for lack of a better term. In the current climate I'm encouraged by any signs of life I see, including things I'd usually find obnoxious. Perhaps fodder for a post in itself.

Martin had and has such a special comic outlook, however he chooses to express it.