Saturday, April 11, 2020

The return

I've gotten Saturday morning/early afternoon breakfast at the same place the past few weeks. The girl serving me at the window today is very responsible, very personable. It was the first time I'd seen her in a couple of weeks at least. The last time I saw her there was when there was an incident, one caused by overzealousness on one person's part, which is as far as I'll describe it now. So part of me was worried that she might have been made a sacrificial lamb. So it was a relief to find out that wasn't the case.

As a worry it seems small. We're not a huge part of each other's lives, necessarily. But lately the circle of people I feel I can trust has shrunken somewhat. I don't like to lose contact with those people.


susan said...

I'm glad to hear she has an kind and decent manager. There are always going to be a few petty officious characters - like the kids who got to be hall monitors and have longed to repeat the experience - who enjoy causing trouble for others.

This is off topic entirely but I found a video about the history of the accordian that you might enjoy if you have an hour.

Ben said...

That's a point in his favor, although she really didn't merit punishment on any level. And we seem to be living in the golden age of the hall monitor. Maybe we have for a while.

There are some very nice looking accordions in that documentary. I love the special museum.