Monday, April 27, 2020

Mark one

Please select the option that best corresponds with your response to the article about spontaneous human combustion.

  1. It wasn't that hot.
  2. It made me see red.
  3. I'm burning to hear more.
  4. It was okay.


susan said...

That's a tough one and not something you hear much about these days. A possible fifth choice like who brought the marshmallows would be far too cruel.

I used to know a woman whose biggest fear was spontaneous human combustion. She had a few mean friends who enjoyed bringing up the subject in her presence just to see her squirm.

Ben said...

Tangentially I like marshmallows that have been cooked on a campfire but otherwise I'm not such a big fan of marshmallows. Everybody seems to have some sweets they either don't like or are indifferent to. For me they're the latter.

If actual spontaneous combustion exists the conditions under which it happens must be exceedingly rare. Still, I've learned it's better not to poke people's fears like that.