Tuesday, February 12, 2019

White & black

We got snow today. Seems to have started around noon. Substantial, but was turning to (cold) rain by 4:30. I wouldn't say overwhelming, in a physical sense. But it takes surprisingly little to start getting stuff canceled. For example, the library closed around two in the afternoon.

On the plus side, this all meant that the evening sky was somewhat fluffy and light. Which meant that I was able to make out a black bird flying across. Crow? I think it just might have been. They stick around. Hope it had a warm and dry place to roost.


susan said...

We had a very rare heavy(ish) snowfall here two days ago. Next morning found a large number of very confused birds flying hither and thither probably wondering where the ground was before returning to roost in the big maple tree on the corner. Usually there are crows in that tree but that morning they must have all stayed home.

I hope your crow found a safe dry spot - a wish I make every day for someone I care for who lives in the wintry east.

Ben said...

I remember when I was a kid I was under the impression - fostered by cartoons, I'm sure - that all birds flew south for the winter. I'm sure I saw some that stayed to tough it out, and it must have confused me. The birds in that tree are also in that group, although I'd guess they're accustomed to milder winters from the way you've described things. The crows might have seen something coming.

Knock on wood the crow found good and happy shelter. And fingers crossed this other person will as well. :)