Monday, February 18, 2019

I'm what you could call "lucky", I guess, that Ryan Adams has never meant much to me. Yeah, yeah, innocent until proven guilty, but carefully worded statements issued through your lawyer don't really inspire a lot of confidence. So yes, my enjoyment of his music probably begins and ends with hearing one of his songs as background music in a coffee shop and noticing that it was well put together, so my life is easier in that way.

Still, he has fans, avid ones, and only they can decide what to do with this. Suddenly not liking what you like because of what you know about who created it isn't natural, and isn't really necessary either. It doesn't provide any benefit to the victims. On the other hand, the information is there, and will factor into your thinking as it will.


susan said...

NYT finds sex and drugs in rock 'n roll.. more news at 11.

I know nothing about the guy but internet herd hysteria is pretty hard to take. You're right that it's up to us whether we want to gather up all the art, literature, music and movies made by questionable characters and pile them on a bonfire. I'd rather not do that either.

Ben said...

Mind you, he mostly struck me as tastefully anonymous when he was riding high. Like, if his name didn't sound vaguely like "Brian Adams" I'd be even less aware of him than I was. While I respect the ability to play acoustic and electric guitar, in and of itself it's not enough to hold my interest.

But of course that's a personal response too. Big fans of his music, I'm not going to tell them how to feel.