Monday, February 4, 2019

Seen on the road

I saw a minivan today. It had the license plate TUTHDR. This puzzled me. "Tut hider"? "Truth or dare"? I was somewhat pleased with myself when, a couple of minutes later, I got "Tooth doctor." Ah, a dentist.

Anyway, to the extent that there's such a thing as a good vanity plate, I'm pretty sure they were all taken years ago.


susan said...

That was a clever deduction. But I'm guessing anyone contemplating using their car as a getaway vehicle would probably be better off not having a vanity plate.

The other instance of the good ones being taken is web page names. Early on a number of people registered site names and then sold them later. Just a few weeks ago I noticed one of the older opinion domains ( had closed but the name is for sale.

Ben said...

Yeah, don't bother with vanity plates if you're going to be driving a getaway car. Just get a bumper sticker saying something along the lines of "These are not the droids you're looking for."

Website URLs go fast, I know. Usually to whoever has money and stands to make more. There are surprises sometimes, though. Like I just looked up "". It's a business address, but oddly it's for some kind of beach resort instead of selling flip-flops.