Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Just one man's silly opinion

I sometimes hear people saying, "I like chocolate, but I don't like dark chocolate." And this concerns me because they don't seem to realize they've just made two directly opposite statements. Short term memory loss? When I hear a statement like that, what it sounds like to me is, "Can I have waxy sugar with brown food coloring and call it chocolate?" Well I guess it's your life.


susan said...

I must admit to having enjoyed some of the waxy brown stuff on occasion (hollow Easter bunnies, for instance) but chocolate is dark - and bitter - and best enjoyed in small quantities.

Ben said...

Oh, I'm not as much of a chocolate snob as I made myself out to be. It's just based on something I heard a while ago in class, where one of the teachers brought in candy to help us power through. I was like, more for me I guess. Although you're right, it's best not to overdo things.