Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Lay thine eyes upon it and thou shalt see that it is barren.

Maher's whole shtick―which some people purport not to get―is that he's a self-absorbed asshole, but one whose eyes are open to perceive something crucial about what's going on. Take it or leave it. At this point he must have lost count of how many times he's been cancelled. Enough times not to care anymore, which frees him up to say things on COVID-19, for example, rather at odds with the other leading political comics of the day.

Although I have to admit that like Howie, I prefer shoes without lace. Has nothing to do with germs, though. Laces just come untied and break all the time.


susan said...

It seems like a very long time ago that I liked Bill Maher - the show Politically Incorrect was probably it. Nevertheless this was a very good find and I couldn't agree more with his conclusions. Perhaps the old stopped clock meme?

I think Jon Stewart chose his retirement time well.

Ben said...

He can be full of himself, although maybe that's part of the act as well. Politically Incorrect seems like longer ago than it actually was. This clip was kind of a relief for me.

Jon Stewart is out there somewhere. I haven't really kept up with him.