Monday, December 23, 2019

George M.

There's a statue of George M. Cohan on Wickenden St, in the Fox Point neighborhood. He's lifting a hat from his head, apparently in song, as you'd expect. There's an inscription on the base as well. I read a local magazine recently say that the statue in Providence is more fun than the one in Times Square. And how wonderfully crazy it is that the comparison is even there to be made. I mean, this is one of the quieter spots in town, about as far from Times Square as you could imagine. The old Times Square or the new one, for that matter.


susan said...

It's pretty neat to know Providence has its own statue of George M. I knew he was born there, but I'd thought he was Jewish so wondered where the Harrigan song came from. Then I found out his family name was likely a traditional misspelling by the guys at Ellis Island who couldn't be bothered with Keogahn.

I wonder when the city will dedicate a statue to H.P. Lovecraft? A Cthulu statue would definitely draw some crowds.

Ben said...

I initially thought he was Jewish as well, although the standard spelling among Jewish people is "Cohen". I do remember a contestant on a TV game show getting an answer wrong because they didn't pronounce the H, which struck me as absurd.

There apparently are fans trying to raise funds for a Lovecraft statue. Don't know if it will go anywhere. In the meantime there is a plaque around Wayland Square.