Tuesday, November 19, 2019


So, when I put that header up I had, yes, thoughts. I figured one of them might make at least a short blog post. Then I got distracted, and after that I got sleepy, so it wound up being a pure placeholder. Now at least it's a placeholder with a little more detail. Ironies.

Let's see, what else? Today I was at the library using the computers there. At the one I was on Google was set to the Korean language, which was also weird.

Be back soon, and best wishes.


susan said...

I wasn't sure what to make of your placeholder so thanks for explaining.

Did you manage to learn any Korean? Probably not, eh? Us neither despite the fact we have some favorites among Korean films - like this one, for instance, if I've never mentioned it before. It's good to know there are still movies being made that are dramatic and exciting but don't have super heroes.

Best wishes to you too.

Ben said...

I like to think that usually I do better than that. So given the chance I wanted to fix it, at least a little.

Nah, it takes a little more time and effort to learn a language than that. Especially since Korean is pretty far, linguistically speaking, from English. Like, definitely more so than Spanish or French. But I do agree that it's a very expressive language for dramatic film.
