Friday, November 29, 2019

Crystal clarity

So yesterday I had Thanksgiving dinner at a friend's house. A good time was had by all, I think. Good food, relaxed conversation.

A few different things played on the TV set during the times that people were paying attention to it. I saw the early parts of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. What's freaky is that it's one of them newfangled plasma TV's, and seeing an old movie in such high definition was a little disorienting. Like, were all these people trapped behind glass? Still, from what I saw I can attest that the movie holds up pretty well even before Gene Wilder joins the fun. Although of course he always helps.


susan said...

It's good to know you had such a nice Thanksgiving. We got a very nice card that same day.

We enjoy older movies so much that plasma televisions have no interest in our house either. I liked your analogy about the people being trapped behind glass. We've noticed a lot of young people (through conversations seen on video game boards) detest the idea of watching any movies older than a couple of years and never b&w films at all. This might be part of the reason.

Ben said...

I'm glad you got and likedthe card. It feels like the postal ice has been broken, on someone's side at least.

Is the old media thing cyclical. When I was in grammar school and high school no one seemed to have much idea about movies older than a few years (at the time of course. What were new movies then aren't now.) That seemed to change when I was in college, which I guess was partly the kind of crowd I was hanging out with, but also VCR's, DVD's, and physical stores that sold and rented each democratizing film scholarship. Now everything's available but it's hard to sell younger viewers on anything being special.