Saturday, November 9, 2019

Preview of coming distraction

According to multiple reports, we were supposed to get rain Friday. It never came, but we did get a big temperature drop. So it's a foretaste of what winter will be like, I guess. No ice yet, though. At some point today I did dump someone's coffee that they had left behind outside so I could throw out the cup. Didn't have time to stick around and watch it freeze, thogh.


susan said...

It's a bit early for severe cold that stays around. Hopefully, normal temperatures have returned and you're enjoying a reprieve. It's funny, though, now I think about it for a moment that some years in Portland the coldest part of the year happened around Thanksgiving. Seasons can be funny that way and unpredictability is often the way.

It was nice of you to tidy up and I wouldn't have stuck around to watch the coffee freeze either - even if I didn't have business elsewhere.

Ben said...

We've had a couple of freezes, and some very brief snowfalls that haven't stuck. Thus far it's mostly been raw but not super-cold days, nights a little more wintry. I believe you about Portland at Thanksgiving, though. Currents are weird.

I'm not a huge environmentalist, and I certainly don't try to get attention as one. But the fact that people litter when it would be very easy not to seems like the key to our downfall as a species, and I'd prefer to counter it.