Sunday, April 21, 2019


Started thinking about sleepwalking. No, not as a career. But the phenomenon. The potential to be disoriented when you wake up in a place you don't remember being before.

I've had hypnagogic episodes. Which is to say, there have been times when I've had and remembered states between wakefulness and full sleep. But I'm pretty sure I've never gotten up and walked around while sleeping. A friend and old roommate of mine might have. There's at least one story from when he was married the first time. Probably not a frequent somnambulist, though.

At least one young lady has posted a video of herself getting up and sleepwalking in the middle of the night. Or so she says. I can't quite tell if it's legit.


susan said...

The hypnagogic state is what happens when your body has gone to sleep but the mind has yet to join in. I've had some very brief but remarkable visions in those few moments.

Sleep walking itself is entirely different as it happens to people (usually children) who are already deeply asleep. I've never done it myself either and glad I am of that as the idea of waking up somewhere other than being still in bed sounds as though it would be disturbing indeed. Did your friend wake up that way or was he led back to bed?

People will post videos of the oddest things real or not.

Ben said...

I've read something about that explanation before. It's cool that you're able to relax and just appreciate the vision, the experience.

Yes, it could be rather upsetting. When you get into bed to go to sleep there's an assumption of safety. As to my friend, I'd have to go back and get more details. It's been a while since I heard the story.

Generally seeing videos of people talking online strikes me as unnatural and stilted. Not sure if it's a generational thing or not.