Monday, April 15, 2019

A honking good time

Today in a parking lot. The parking lot of an outdoor mall that houses an Aldi's and a couple of furniture outlets, among other things, I saw a sight. Two geese, not flying, just bopping along. There was enough of a size discrepancy to make me think it was a gander and a goose. But they're big birds, overall.

No pictures. My phone does have a camera, but not necessarily a good one. Anyway, I'm not into taking indifferent snapshots of everything that happens around me. Also, I've heard geese can be volatile and I don't want to piss them off.

Kinda cool, though.


susan said...

We see a lot of geese around here, Canada geese, creatures both ubiquitous and annoying simply because they are so many and don't clean up after themselves. You're right they're big.

One afternoon a week or so ago we noticed a huge bird standing near a little island about 30 feet away from us in the park. Just as we were wondering what it might be a pair of ladies stopped to look as well so I asked them. It turned out it was a Great Blue Heron. They went on to tell us forty pairs or more of them nest in Beacon Hill Park every spring. yikes! We'd seen a sign that said heron nesting area but we'd thought that meant a pair had dropped by once and might do so again one day. Pretty amazing, eh?

I have a camera but no phone and usually never think to carry it (as in the case mentioned above). Happily one person had a camera focused on a parking lot that showed us this event.

Ben said...

I was about to say that maybe that's why they're the official bird of Canada, but guess what? According to this report there was no official Canadian bird for most of history. Now there is's the gray jay. That's just perverse. Nonetheless, you do have nearby goose neighbors, which is kinda cool.

Great blue herons are pretty eye-catching birds. They're all neck, beak, and leg. Seeing a flock of them in the park would certainly be an experience. Wonders never cease, if you know where to look for them.

I salute the border collie's quick action. (And maybe Hollywood has gotten one right in the movies' promotion of that breed.) Pretty amazing it was able to save both itself and the chihuahua.