Sunday, April 7, 2019


I no longer have a neighbor with a cat. That I know of. The young lady who kept the black cat has moved out of the building, although not far from what I understand.

What I do have now is a neighbor dog. The guys who live upstairs have...I'll say a German shepherd. Maybe not pure German―and boy is that a historically loaded phrase!―but has most of the traits. She barks a fair bit. When I see her in the halls she goes off her head and the neighbor shushes her. It's all good. I know the difference between excited barking and aggressive barking. In people, too.


susan said...

It sounded as though the two of your had something in common when you mentioned having met that cat on the stairs now and again. They are mysterious creatures, aren't they? We have one named Chester who lives in a ground floor place downstairs. Although pets aren't allowed in this building our very cool manager pretends Chester lives elsewhere when he finds him sunning himself on the steps.

It's funny you said the German shepherd may not be pure German since the other name for the breed is Alsation - as in Alsace Lorraine, that part of France that the Germans and France both claimed as their own territory over the centuries. Yet I've never heard of those dogs being called Lorraines. Maybe some of the female ones have been.

Ben said...

Do you mean I had something in common with the neighbor or with the cat? Because in either case I believe you'd be right. And I'm glad that the manager leaves Chester be. That's the upside of having absentee landlords, I think. Their proxies get to use some discretion. Sleeping Chester is good luck for all of you, I bet.

"Lorraines". I like that.

I've learned a little about the history of Alsace-Lorraine. There's a good case for considering it German land, or at least it's had a lot of German-speaking people. They lost it after World War I. The guy who took over Germany a few years later tried getting it back, but he wound up giving German irredentism a bad name in general. Guess who?