Thursday, April 11, 2019


I set out this afternoon towards the Stop & Shop near the post office, intending to grab just a couple of things. What I hadn't heard about, because it had literally just happened, was this. Well, I have no great desire to undercut the strikers, so I wound up buying those things later at CVS.

Of course I'd also hoped to pop into the S&S bathroom and take a whiz, so you can imagine my relief upon getting home.


susan said...

It was good of you to not cross the picket line.
Workers of the world, unite! or another favorite sign:
We'll hold this line until Hell freezes over - Then we'll hold it on ice skates.

Happily, you were able to hold the other need.

Ben said...

Long run i figure we'll all be better off if they can end the strike their way. Since this post I've gotten a little familiar with Market Basket. Good sign. It's just getting to the time of year when Hell would need a little help freezing over.

Ah yes, one of the things that makes home sweet home so sweet.