Saturday, April 27, 2019

In the affirmative

Asserting yourself, I guess, comes more naturally to some people than others. Some of us have to work at it.

A problem for me is that I have in my mind an idea of what actions are fair and reasonable, and on some level I believe that this is what people actually will do. Which can result in getting caught flat-footed at what people actually do.

Anyway, like I said, it's something to work on.


susan said...

I can definitely relate to this and it would appear so can lots of people. If you look up quotes about 'expectations' there are hundreds. One of my favorites was said by Bill Watterson: “I find my life is a lot easier the lower I keep my expectations.”

One of my personal favorites is: "Expect a miracle."

Ben said...

Watterson seems to be a wise man. Now I would have liked to see Calvin and Hobbes go on longer, but maybe if it had it wouldn't have been his the way it had been, or he couldn't have gone on meeting his own standards. There are trade-offs in life.

I remember that "Expect a miracle" tapestry. It's sometimes good advice.