Monday, February 29, 2016

Pine-ing for the fjords

Someone on my street threw out a Christmas tree. Not this week. Long enough ago so that a few garbage days have passed. And yet there it continues to sit, outside the house. This is somewhat mysterious. The contractor does apparently take Christmas trees, at least when they don't still have the stand and/or ornaments, which this one doesn't.

Whatever the answer, I'm curious to see what happens. Will some kind of woodland creature come town to eat it? Will somebody with a fireplace thoughtfully take the wood?


susan said...

We've seen old Christmas trees (not quite that old) sitting in our waste disposal room downstairs for long periods too. Maybe they pack up the wood chippers at the end of January.

btw: Pine trees are rarely burned in fireplaces because the high sap content makes them spark and burn too hot, sometimes causing chimney fires. Something to remember if you ever get a fireplace :)

Ben said...

Hmmm. Well if the waste management department has a wood chipper they should be at least prepared to fire it up in the off-season. City dwellers tend not to have their own. Fargo wasn't that influential.

That makes sense that the sap would make pine trees less than ideal for burning. De-sapping them ahead of time might be more trouble than it's worth.