Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The old switcheroo

One of the strangest things I've witnessed in American politics is the way Joe Biden's reelection campaign has turned on a dime and become Kamala Harris's reelection campaign. And it's definitely a reelection campaign. She's not reaching out and trying to convince voters to take a chance on her. She's running as the familiar, a fixture.

Does that mean that Kamala has been the real power behind the throne for the past 3 1/2 years? No. But Joe Biden isn't either. It's enough to make you wonder if POTUS is even still a real job.


susan said...

It was easy enough for Americans to accept Barack Obama as president for two terms. He may not have been running the government but he did a very good impression of someone who actually could. Then came the election of 2016 when Trump beat Clinton and the entire left, including the media, went crazy. In 2020 what with one thing and another it's likely the election was manipulated to remove Trump from office. Sanders looked to be the favorite but Biden was appointed at the last minute. It was obvious to many that Biden wasn't firing on all cylinders even then - they used the excuse of Covid to allow him to address his potential voters from his basement.

After 3½ years of his presidency it's impossible for me to believe he was ever in charge. Now we're supposed to be excited about Kamala. It doesn't wash.

Then who is running the country? There have been a number of surmises about that - Sullivan, Blinken, and even Obama himself. What it comes down to though is that nobody knows - and people should know who is their leader.. even if it's someone who impersonates a strong leader.

Ben said...

Two of the big factors that created an opening for Obama to be elected were the 2008 bank crash and John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as running mate. Of course he wound up doing nothing to encourage reform of the financial sector, and the malefactors would wind up being the only ones who came out pretty much unscathed. As for Palin she doesn't seem as crazy a choice for high office as she once did, although she turned out not to be very interested in it either. Biden did indeed use COVID as cover while running, as well as making it one of his top campaign issues. One rare bit of good news in recent politics is that their internal polling told them that extending lockdowns and mandates any longer would kill them at the polls so they dropped it.

He seems to have wanted to be President pretty much all his life, but by the time he got there he wasn't really capable of doing the job, which no one in the circle really wanted him to do either. Kamala is cocky, but not in a way that shows real confidence.

Yes, there are decisions being made now that the general populace isn't going to like, but there's no one even to talk to about it. It takes on the disguise of democracy, just enough to as not arouse too much supicion.