Monday, July 1, 2024


Funny thing on a grocery run today. I was waiting for a bus and it started raining. Sun shower. By the time I got downtown it had stopped. But big dark clouds were still on the horizon. And by the time I was done with the errand it would start and stop raining twice more.

This mix of light and dark clouds, alongside blue sky, continued the whole time. Was this somehow connected with Hurricane Beryl? Certainly we in Rhode Island have nothing to complain about if it was, but it was weird.

1 comment:

susan said...

Yep, weather is a mysterious phenomenon wherever we live. We've mentioned to you just how different summer has been this year compared to others we've experienced. Hopefully, that wasn't a signal to you of an incoming hurricane and from your description it sounds as if you got home without getting drenched.

I happened upon a video today that describes how prevalent is the heat island effect where most people live - cities. City dwellers are experiencing more heat waves, earlier springs, and milder winters than everyone else.