Saturday, July 13, 2024


A lot of details on the events are still fuzzy, but the shooter is being reported as a 20-year-old local. That's just tragic. There were things he could have done with his life. He chose this, and for what?

Trump was nicked but otherwise seems to have gotten out all right. This is good. Sadly one person attending was apparently not so lucky.

In the long run this increases the already robust chances that he's going to be elected to a second non-consecutive term. Lots of liberals will be angsting over that. I'm not among them, but I do have a feeling that everything is about to become even dumber, if that's possible. Brace yourself.


susan said...

Like I said earlier, the attempt on Trump's life was shocking, but not at all surprising.

The kid threw away his own life and the life of a man who deliberately put himself in the way of a bullet to protect his family. It's tragic but as you well know the rhetoric from the Democratic side has been unrelenting in its horror of having Donald Trump win another term as president. It was only two weeks ago the New Republic put a doctored image of Trump as Hitler with a statement that essentially said, "Really, this time he'll definitely be a dictator."

Since Donald Trump came on the political scene the Democratic Party and its media/propaganda allies at major newspapers and television channels have been pushing a radical agenda, pushing the narrative that Trump was everything they’ve shown themselves to be - lawless, authoritarian, unmoored by tradition and custom, and absolutely offensive.

It's not fascism when they do it.
Trouble ahead,
Trouble behind!
And, you know, that notion
Just crossed my mind.

Ben said...

What's weird reading this post and your response a couple of weeks later is that it seems like so much more. It's not quite that the assassination attempt has been forgotten, but bizarre events keep happening so it's faded somewhat.

Two people were killed in an event that never should have happened. Will we ever know exactly why it did? I kind of doubt it. With Cheatle having fallen on her sword the whole thing is likely to be swept under the rug. The New Republic certainly didn't help. Of course their Trumpler cover story was just preaching to a particular choir.

The Democrats have convinced a sizable number of gullible people that they have to be in charge in perpetuity or else America will end. This is mostly a fundraising gimmick, but it reveals a certain psychological quirk. A good deal of projection, too. Trump is in no shape to serve long as a dictator even if he wanted to.

Wise words from a great train song.