Saturday, November 18, 2023

The empire strikes back

Nikki Haley. The name, appropriately enough, ends in a "Y." Because, you know, why?

But there's a reason she's rising. Trump taking the nomination in 2016 was a shocking populist uprising. However well or poorly, it centered something aside from tax cuts and forever wars. Some Republican state leaders followed suit. Including Ron DeSantis, although in his Presidential campaign he's seemed hard-pressed to remember.

So there was a statement coming from rank-and-file conservatives that they weren't going to take shit from their corporate overlords anymore. And promoting Haley is a way of saying "Oh yes you will!" That's appealing to someone. A lot of someones with deep pockets.


susan said...

It gave me a bit of relief to look at the results of very recent polls to see that Nikki Haley is still trending below 10%.

Last month she called for transforming the US Department of Defense into the “Department of Offense.” Hasn't it always been that? She wants bigger and apparently more aggressive military despite the fact that the Pentagon already boasts annual spending of nearly $832 billion – exceeding the world’s nine next largest defense budgets combined. But that's only money even if it is spent in unimaginable amounts, and nothing to do with a well trained enthusiastic military.

One of Trump's more serious mistakes was making her ambassador to the UN. Since then she's been collecting money from the military industrial complex and it shows. The woman is nothing but a crazed warmonger. The overlords appear to have lost their minds, but you already knew that.

Ben said...

Apparently she is at that. There's an aggressive ad campaign going on, but the customers aren't buying. That's something.

In a funny historical twist, there used to be separate cabinet departments for War and Navy. Then in 1948 a civil service reform merged them both into Defense. And of course since then war in the US has gone from a now-and-then thing to a constant, demonstrating the power of euphemism. Conservatives are known for pointing out that spending more money on a problem won't necessarily make it better, but too many forget the lesson when it comes to the Pentagon.

As ambassador to the UN she was one of Trump's more conventional choices. That made her one of the less controversial picks as well. If you have the right credentials and social profile no one cares if you can actually do the job. This is a bipartisan tendency, and was as true before the Trump presidency as it obviously still is afterwards.