Saturday, November 4, 2023

Dogs and cats living together

My downstairs neighbor has a cat. A rather large tomcat, as I've seen, and one she dotes on. My other downstairs neighbor recently got a puppy. Small―at least so far―excitable and adorable. The cat must have at least heard the dog. How he's adjusting I'm not sure, but he will. Anyway, they both add something to the building's ambience. 


susan said...

A few years ago there were no pets in this building but now every floor has at least a couple of dogs. Of course we never see them except when they're on their way in or out with their owners - not a fun time to be a dog in my opinion.

Which reminds me of better days: Three boys see a fire engine with a dog go by and discuss what his job is. ‘Crowd control?’ says one boy. ‘He’s the mascot.’ says the second boy. The third boy nods sagely: ‘He finds fire hydrants.’

Ben said...

I certainly hope the dogs in your building are happy. They're very much wired to be companions, love having someone there to keep them company. Some places are better for them than others.

That's a nifty little joke. Oddly enough I've never seen a Dalmatian or other dog on a fire engine outside of, like, Little Rascals shorts. But apparently they do have a history as fire dogs.