Friday, September 1, 2023

Words upon words gets a lot―probably most―of its content from other video sites. YouTube seems to be a big source. Then they get removed from the other place, but the Internet Archive has them, so that's definitely a good thing. 

Of course, there are occasional snags. If you watch a movie on YouTube and it has subtitles that you don't need, you can turn them off. On if the movie has subtitles you're stuck with them. I guess if it doesn't have them and you're prefer to see them you're sort of screwed too.

Ah well, maybe I unconsciously brushed up on my Spanish tonight.


susan said...

If it's a movie we really want to watch and there's no choice about its being subtitled we just go ahead and let them roll. Why is it, I wonder, that they're so often Spanish subtitles?

It's great to have as a last ditch place to look for those otherwise unavailable films. There are still too many that can't be found anywhere - at least not in this country.

Ben said...

Exactly. They can be a little distracting but you can still see the movie mostly as its meant to be. It may just be that a lot of movies were downloaded and contributed by someone whose first language is Spanish.

It's a good resource. They of course have a lot of books in their collection as well. I'm not that big on e-books, but a lot of these are out of print, so it's good someone has them.