Saturday, September 23, 2023

Paws for effect

Today while waiting for a bus I saw a woman carrying a small dog. White with brown splotches on the coat, with a sort of pointy snout. As I say, very small. I don't entirely know if this was a puppy or just a small breed. Quiet and well-behaved for either. 

The woman started telling me about her nephew, who had offered to get her some things from the store but apparently (according to her) was just looking for an excuse to get out of the house. Not long after she started my bus showed up, so her story got cut off. I don't regret that.

Still, she was keeping a nice dog. Have to hand that to her.


susan said...

Saved by the bus. When all you did was to say 'Hello, nice day' only to find yourself drawn into someone's long story. The little dog she carried must have been a sweet and patient little beast.

We don't know if you've already seen !00 Years of Star Wars but when Jer came across it he asked me to send it on. The guy's pretty darn good. The original three episodes of SW were the best.

Ben said...

If you've seen someone before but never really interacted with them it can be hard to tell if they're friendly or insane. Or both, I guess. But yeah, a cat would have done like I did and split.

I liked that Star Wars short. The elaborate visuals were obviously created through AI--which is why the faces sometimes freeze and blur out--but the writing is pretty sharp. Yeah, George Lucas should have found something else after that.