Sunday, April 3, 2022

On the wind

I like the sound of the wind. It's something I often focus on at night while drifting off to sleep. And a good companion when I'm out walking alone. The wind is the basic background sound of nature. It's a current that exists outside of us, and our shortsighted obsessions. An excellent recurring guest.


susan said...

I like to think of the wind as the sound of the Earth breathing.

I think today the planet was exhibiting some localized bronchitis; the day began with rain and strong gusting winds. The odd thing was that the deluges of rain would stop for 20 minutes or so but the wind never did. It's been one of the strangest weather days we've seen anywhere.

Normally, I like the wind too.

Ben said...

The sound of the earth breathing? I like the sound of that. It's another personality. Another voice in the conversation.

Sounds like the rain was split up between discrete groups of clouds. One would unload on you and get pushed along the way, and another one would be in place. Although that's a layman's guess.

Interesting wind pattern today.