Friday, October 29, 2021


Today I learned that you can still walk into a drug store and buy cold medication--including the kind that puts you to sleep--and the workers won't freak out. Well, not this time out anyway. Kind of a relief.

(Edited to de-gibberish my second paragraph.)

In honor of it being Halloween weekend I also watched a horror movie. Picked a kind of strange example, which I'm still pondering. If we speak soon you'll be hearing about it.


susan said...

Yep, you can still buy lots of odd over the counter stuff at the drugstores. I hope you haven't needed too much of it this week. Colds can be aggravating.

We did read your unedited post so it was a relief to see this one. We'll look forward to hearing about the movie - we've watched a few Hallowe'en specials this week too.

Ben said...

It's weird. I don't think I ever had a fever. It might be that instead of a true cold, it was just allergies teaming up with asthma to produce coldlike symptoms. Anyway, aside from a lingering frog-in-throat I think I've recovered.

I've talked to you and Jerry about the movie, which was pleasingly freaky. Writing a blog post while tired or doped up and finding out later that it's incomprehensible is just an amusing occurrence now.