Sunday, July 25, 2021

Out there

May have talked about this before. It's late at night, about to go to bed. There seems to be a fair amount of activity on the road. Does make one wonder where the drivers are off to. Some, surely, are police and other emergency vehicles. But not all. So some of these drivers might be going to new places and have exciting mornings ahead of them. Others could have very restful mornings planned.


susan said...

Many, like police and emergency services, do have business out on the road at night and certainly there are the ones going home with plans of their own for the next day. Then there are the people who just like driving around on a dark night, some of them simply enjoy going through neigborhoods as fast as possible. When I hear one of them go by I always hope there are no stray dogs on the street.

I was so surprised when you told me YouTube has commercials that I looked it up and found this:

With AdBlock, you don't have to do anything to start removing YouTube ads. AdBlock blocks all ads on as soon as you install it — pre-roll, mid-roll, even the ads in the “Up next” sidebar.

I don't know whether you still use Firefox, but if you're interested AdBlock is simple to install and it's free.

Ben said...

For those who have cars and a feeling of restlessness late at night I support their right to chill behind the wheel, as long as they keep their wits about them and take some care while doing so. I see what you mean about stray dogs. Of course dogs that are abandoned have the odds stacked against them from the beginning, sad to say.

Generally I find ads on YouTube to be just a minor annoyance. My rule on any video is that if the ad goes into multiple minutes, I skip it. That applies to YouTube and Dailymotion. Vimeo doesn't have ads but has taken ads out, including on YouTube, so they must have a different business arrangement.