Tuesday, April 7, 2020


There are birds that chirp. There's a particular kind, not sure off the top of my head which, that sings and chirps in groups, starting at a certain time of night. Basically if you're up and you hear them, you know you've stayed up too long.

They're not at it yet. But they are a constant, no matter what else is going on. Well, so far at least. One of those things you depend on.

There aren't a lot of human sounds outside, what with the virtual curfew going on. Inside the building it's a different story. Apartment living, you get used to it.


susan said...

Birds that chirp are nice to listen to especially when there's a flock of them, although figuring out what they might be is harder. If you're really curious and feel like investigating a little more there's always Audobon and in these modern days they actually have little audio clips to listen to.

It is very weird having everything you're normally used to going on outdoors not happening at all - except for the city workers and the milkmen.. milkmen? milkpersons? Never mind because there aren't any of those anymore but there used to be.

Did you ever hear of Father Ted?

susan said...

Father Ted above is a link, but it doesn't look like a link so here's
another: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOjpQ3rXAio&list=PLQTAXw5ECeFIqAAzys4D3Uu51GBgOifDe&index=53&t=0s

Hmpff - improvements to Firefox..