Saturday, April 25, 2020


This cast recording is apparently on YouTube in its entirety. I'll be obligated to at least sample it someday soon. Wayne I know from Ellery Queen and Batman, the latter of them where he played a campy sixties Mad Hatter. Bracken I don't know much about but IMDb tells me he starred in a Tales from the Darkside I sort of remember. Carol Channing is Carol Channing obviously.

I'm not a big fan of roaches myself but I can definitely see a cat chilling with one rather than killing it. Especially if it had charm.


susan said...

So Archy was a free verse poet reincarnated as a cockroach. Poor guy could only hit one key at a time on the old typewriter he used at the newspaper office and because of that only wrote in small case letters. I found his base story on wikipedia and the album you talk about here on youtube. It sounds odd enough that I may have to listen to it myself one of these days. You could write a book about the things I don't know.

I'm not the least bit fond of roaches but Archy might be worthy of exception - particularly for a cat named Mehitabel. Thanks for the tip. :)

Ben said...

Yeah, using a typewriter is quite the task when you're only about the size of one of the keys. Luckily the cockroach is pretty efficient in terms of metabolism. Anyway, it's a good score. Not sure what it was like to actually see it. Anyone of us could write a long book on what we don't know, except by definition we can't. :)

Like I said to Jerry Mehitabel is absolutely awful from any moral perspective. And yet she has a certain je ne sais quoi.